on this page you can get an indication of costs involved. please, contact us for a full quote that matches your specific needs.

Hourly Work

€ 45 Intake Fee

€ 78 Graphic Design

€ 94 Research & Development

€ 82 Trend Consultancy


€ 1699 Identity Development

€ 2499 Logo & Branding Package

€ 1899 Visual Language Research

€ 1899 Trend Research

non-Exclusive Licensing

Our ready-made designs are available for licensing non-exclusively. We have several licensing options available. Please get in touch if you'd like to find out what option works best for you and to get more info about all terms and conditions. 

Tun around time: 48 hours


Exclusive Licensing

Our custom designs come with a full exclusive license. If exclusivity is important to your brand this might be a great options. Every custom design job is different so please, reach out if you want for more info about exclusive design work.  

Turn around time: 2 working weeks


Single Logo Design

For small businesses we have a special logo offer. We know how expensive things can be when you're just starting out. A good logo design is essential for every business. We'd love to help and create something unique without emptying your pockets.   

Turn around time: 2/4 weeks